Monday, November 30, 2009

why some guys always get chased by all

Ever wondered why some guys always get chased by all sorts of women? A lot of guys think that it's looks and money which might be the primary reason but the fact is that it's neither looks nor money which will make women go crazy over you. There are some underground secrets which no one will ever share with you which will give you the ultimate power to become the girl magnet who always gets chased by women. Read on to discover what these secrets are and achieve mind blowing results........

Keep a control on your emotions- You must be proactive rather than being reactive to her actions. You see a lot of guys out there react in strange manners when a woman throws a test at them. This will be a real test of your skills and this is where you should be able to control your emotions and not fall into her trap. When you give her different responses which other guys would not she would really start thinking about you.

Make her miss you- Nothing will make her go more crazy than this very tip right here. You see you should never be too available to the girl and you should try to make her miss you as much as possible. You see this automatically makes you a rare commodity and she would have a hard time not to think about you.

Make her jealous- Now this might be a bit dirty but sure does work all the time. If you feel that the girl is playing a bit too hard to get you must instantly quit paying any attention to her and move on to other girls. Show her that you do not take any non sense and you would never chase her no matter what.

What you don't know yet- Ever tried to wonder what's in a woman's mind? What is she thinking about? Do you know that women do not always mean what they say? They might say something and mean the exact opposite. But what do women actually want? Do you know there are some secrets women don't want men to know but you absolutely must know these secrets in order to succeed with women? Read on to discover 9 most "Shocking Secrets" women don't want men to know.


You Really Look Marvelous Today!

Yours True Liars,

SoundaryaNayaki സൌണ്ടാര്യനായകി சௌந்தர்யநாயகி
Anna Justin അണ്ണാ ജസ്റിന്‍  அன்னா ஜஸ்டின்    

We are the perfect liars; don't try to find any truth in our words!

"He looked at her as a man looks at a faded flower he has gathered, with difficulty recognizing in it the beauty for which he picked and ruined it!"

Why can't you be the King/Queen of Justice?

What 'your' answers to these questions?

1. Should the people who could not even identify and list the properties exhibited by everyone and everything be honored with degrees and diplomas?

2. Should the degrees and diplomas awarded by universities and institutions which could not even identify and list the properties exhibited by everyone and everything be honored?

3. Should the people who ask the question, "what properties are exhibited by everyone and everything?" be condemned and punished?

You can find the list of properties exhibited by everyone and everything here [  ] Note that the document is sharply worded. Do not be offended!


With malice toward none;
With charity for all;
With firmness toward right,
Shine with justice and truth!
Bloom forever, O beloved fellow men and woman,
From the dust of my bosom!


No one is hurt by doing the right thing!

Why Math has been hated by some? Because it requires them to think and forces them to give the correct and exact value. Because it has a clear distinction of right and wrong. Most people love to speak about any issue but hate to accept that they're wrong. That's the beauty of Math. Right is right and wrong is wrong.

The secret behind getting right answer from nature lies in putting right questions to her!



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How to Be an Analyst