Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Some of the finest comments to the works of sivashanmugam

Good Morning,
The following are some of the finest comments for my works. If you could add something more to it, I would be gratefull to you.
Knowledge is mechanical repetition.
Just look inside. All that you think of as your knowledge is borrowed knowledge, and how can the borrowed be knowledge? It is information. You are just repeating it; you are being mechanical in repeating it.
Knowledge is almost a deception, not only to others but to yourself, because you go on repeating the borrowed.
One can have all the knowledge that is available, but still he will remain the same stupid person inside; his knowledge will be just parrotlike. He will repeat beautiful cliches without exactly knowing their meaning, because their meaning can be known only through experience of one's own. He can talk like Jesus, he can sermonize on the kingdom of God that is within, but he has no glimpse of it. He has learned only mere words.
When you act out of your past it is repetition. You feel more efficient because you have done the same thing many times so you can do it more easily, but it has not any freshness in it. It is not knowledge. It is nothing new. And by repeating the old again and again, the capacity to be new is lost.
Intelligence is a mirror-like quality in your consciousness; it reflects that which is. It has no past, it has no future, it has only present. Intelligence lives in the present; knowledge lives in the past and hopes for the future -- and goes on missing the present. No mirror can reflect the past -- or do you think it can reflect the past? The mirror cannot reflect the woman who was looking in the mirror yesterday. It is gone and it is gone. The mirror cannot reflect what is going to happen tomorrow; that which is not yet, is not yet. The mirror only reflects this moment, whatsoever is.
Intelligence reflects whatsoever is, knowledge goes on repeating the past and fantasizing about the future. It is because of knowledge that you are missing your life.
Hello. I enjoyed reading this & found it very thought provoking...

I do agree that, in some ways, there is nothing new under the sun when it comes to knowledge, because the contents of a piece of knowledge must already have a possibility to be known, in order to become "knowledge". But then, knowledge is not knowledge until it's been computed through the mind. I understand that what this piece above is saying, is taking a different slant....saying that much of what is called, "knowledge", is actually history to someone else, and so therefore is borrowed. But when it's processed by someone who hadn't yet previously "known" it, one could say that it's newly invented for that person. It's born anew.

When one recites beautiful words, without knowing the meaning, it's only an exercise of repetition, but when the words are comprehended by the one reciting the words, or those who are listening, there is newness in the value of the words. There's a re-energization of the meaning of the words.

I'd also like to comment on a mirror being unable to reflect the past.....just a few days ago, I was thinking of my past thoughts of the future....my apprehension and speculation on what my life would be like in 20 years... and I realized how I am now living that time that I had only imagined in my mind, 20 years ago. One could say that I was looking into a mirror, within my mind, as it reflected on my past thoughts while they were looking into a mirror of the future.

Yes, saying that intelligence is presently processed knowledge....is a way to describe intelligence. It's when one makes use, through their mind, of facts or knowledge. Without being processed in the mind, knowledge is stale and old and meaningless.

You Really Look Marvelous Today!

Yours True Liars,

SoundaryaNayaki സൌണ്ടാര്യനായകി சௌந்தர்யநாயகி
Anna Justin അണ്ണാ ജസ്റിന്‍  அன்னா ஜஸ்டின்    

We are the perfect liars; don't try to find any truth in our words!


"He looked at her as a man looks at a faded flower he has gathered, with difficulty recognizing in it the beauty for which he picked and ruined it!"


Why can't you be the King/Queen of Justice?


Intellectual Development Foundation (IDF) is spreading intelligence more effectively and efficiently to everyone much better than all the institutions and universities that graduate students with degrees and diplomas. IDF's method of teaching appears to make formal education meaningless and has caused much emotional stress to the leaders of the teaching institutions.

Here is the document released by IDF:


What is the scientific and philosophical relevance of the degrees and diplomas issued by the universities and institutions?


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Set all books on fire because no knowledge in them can be repeated and no knowledge in them should be repeated. Do not listen to your teachers or pastors, or mom and dad because none of their knowledge can be repeated and none of their knowledge should be repeated. But, do not forget to buy our books because we need your money. Do not forget to send your children to our schools and colleges, because we need your money. Listen to us, because we want you and your children to be our employees, slaves.

How to Be an Analyst