Friday, November 14, 2014

Increase your website income

Dear Webmaster,

We looked into your website and we would like to invite you to join our Adnetwork, which offers digital advertising solutions for publishers.

Open an account now and benefit from these advantages:

  • High performing ad formats (On Click Full Screen Ad and Transitional Ad) with an higher CPM rate than any other ad display format
  • $ 25 welcome bonus to register your website
  • Invoice payment within 30 days end of the month
  • Optimized targeted campaigns to reach a high eCPM
  • Real-Time-Bidding Technology for the highest return to the Publisher
  • Control panel with access to real-time statistics
  • No interference with other ad providers (no exclusive agreement required)
  • Support Team at disposal for any need


If you want to find out more, please feel free to contact us via our Support or visit our website

Kind regards, 

Newswow Team 


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