"University is hard. We work 11 hours a day, 7 days a week, for 2 weeks a year."
A University is a place where young people go to learn many useful everday skills. These may include washing dishes, doing laundry, cleaning, tying shoelaces and reproducing (also referred to as sex).
Dean "of Iran" once was asked what the exact purpose of the University system was, and what he said has become somewhat of a slogan around Universities across the world:
"We may or may not do a bunch of things, but regardless, we're all really, really, really, really smart."
Drinking is the past time of most university students taking up approximately 60% of students waking time, and 30% of their sleeping time. The average student spends three times their tuition on drink.
All classes are optional, and run Tuesdays-Thursdays, 1:00pm - 3:00pm. Classes are where most university students go to get a good day's sleep. Along with sleeping it is somewhere to go when you are not drinking. In the winter many classes are canceled in harsh weather conditions (less than 2 degrees).
You Really Look Marvelous Today!
Yours True Liars,
SoundaryaNayaki സൌണ്ടാര്യനായകി சௌந்தர்யநாயகி
Anna Justin അണ്ണാ ജസ്റിന് அன்னா ஜஸ்டின்
We are the perfect liars; don't try to find any truth in our words!
OOPS, you may be looking for more lies, read this document to become a perfect liar: http://the.secret.angelfire.com/intelligence.pdf
Great, you may have a desire to make everyone look like an ass. This document may help you to 'MAKE EVERYONE LOOK LIKE AS AN ASS' : http://the.secret.angelfire.com/intelligence.pdf
With malice toward none;
With charity for all;
With firmness toward right,
Shine with justice and truth!
Bloom forever, O beloved fellow men and woman,
From the dust of my bosom!
No one is hurt by doing the right thing!
Why Math has been hated by some? Because it requires them to think and forces them to give the correct and exact value. Because it has a clear distinction of right and wrong. Most people love to speak about any issue but hate to accept that they're wrong. That's the beauty of Math. Right is right and wrong is wrong.
No one is poor but he who thinks himself so.
The secret behind getting right answer answer from nature lies in putting right questions to her!
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Set all books on fire because no knowledge in them can be repeated and no knowledge in them should be repeated. Do not listen to your teachers or pastors, or mom and dad because none of their knowledge can be repeated and none of their knowledge should be repeated. But, do not forget to buy our books because we need your money. Do not forget to send your children to our schools and colleges, because we need your money. Listen to us, because we want you and your children to be our employees, slaves.