How to think
1.Get a brain - A good brain usually costs somewhere in the range of $400-500, but a slightly cheaper second-hand brain can be purchased for less than $100.
2.Try it out - Don't expect miracles! High-quality thinking can take many days to perfect.
Note: Don't expect instant results.Especially if you're American.Or Paula Abdul.
1.Get a brain - A good brain usually costs somewhere in the range of $400-500, but a slightly cheaper second-hand brain can be purchased for less than $100.
2.Try it out - Don't expect miracles! High-quality thinking can take many days to perfect.
Note: Don't expect instant results.Especially if you're American.Or Paula Abdul.
For those that want the treatment, it is probably available in China, Russia, or the United Kingdom.
Yours truly,
SoundaryaNayaki சௌந்தர்ய நாயகி
SoundaryaNayaki சௌந்தர்ய நாயகி
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