The Power of Thought:
A thought is any place or moment in time, free-floating through the many dimensions of the universe. Thoughts are in no way limited to the confines of the physical/tangible world or the restrictions of logic (i.e. imagination). Thought is entirely capable of occupying past, present, or future realms, and any imaginable alternative versions thereof. It is believed by quantum physicists to be our only true connection to absolute freedom and unfettered reality (which, of course, is relevant). Thought is equal and comparable to the gods. By a mere thought, one creates, embellishes, rearranges, and/or destroys. Thought controls every aspect of life and death – emotion, action, and reaction. Thoughts are living beings created by the thinker. Yet, once the thought is released into the universe it becomes an independent entity, entirely free to act upon its creator in an equal and opposite fashion. (formula:) Thought=emotion=action=reaction; Thought=logic=action=result.
Yours True Liar,
SoundaryaNayaki சௌந்தர்யநாயகி
God finally told, "none of my creations can get rid of divisibility, comparability, connectivity, disturbability, reorderability, substituablity and satisfiability." Men and woman born under heaven with my wisdom are to experience and reveal these indestructible properties of mine through everyone and everything. My sons who realize my indestructible wisdom through these properties prosper in my kingdom. My sons who attempt to destroy my indestructible properties destroy their prosperity and acquire insanity.
---------------------------------------------------The Pirated Bible-----
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