Sunday, October 25, 2009


No one ever saw a goat dead of hunger.
      - Proverb, (French, Italian)

No one ever suddenly reached the height of vice.
      - Proverb, (Latin)

No one falls low unless he attempt to climb high.
      - Proverb, (Danish)

No one gets into trouble without his own help.
      - Proverb, (Danish)

No one has seen to-morrow.
      - Proverb, (Portuguese)

No one in a shabby coat is treated with respect.
      - Proverb, (Latin)

No one is a fool always, every one sometimes.
      - Proverb, (Latin)

No one is a good judge in his own cause.
      - Proverb, (Portuguese)

No one is always right.
      - Proverb, (Portuguese)

No one is bound to do impossibilities.
      - Proverb, (French, Italian)

No one is content with his lot.
      - Proverb, (Portuguese)

No one is expected to achieve the impossible.
      - Proverb, (French)

No one is hurt by doing the right thing.
      - Proverb, (Hawaiian)

No one is poor but he who thinks himself so.
      - Proverb, (Portuguese)

No one is rich enough to do without his neighbour.
      - Proverb, (Danish)

No one is so generous as he who has nothing to give.
      - Proverb, (French)

No one is so liberal as he who has nothing to give.
      - Proverb, (French)

No one is too old to learn.
      - Proverb, (German)

No one is wise enough to advise himself.
      - Proverb, (German)

No one is wise in his own affairs.
      - Proverb, (Dutch)

No one knows better where the shoe pinches that he who wears it.
      - Proverb, (German)

No one knows the parson better than the clerk.
      - Proverb, (Danish)

No one knows what a day may bring forth.
      - Proverb

No one knows what the dinner was after the plates have been washed.
      - Proverb

No one knows what will happen to him before sunset.
      - Proverb

No one knows where another's shoe pinches.
      - Proverb, (Dutch)

No one likes justice brought home to his own door.
      - Proverb, (Italian)

No one likes to bell the cat.
      - Proverb, (German)

No one loves another better than himself.
      - Proverb, (Latin)

No one perceives where the shoe pinches but he who wears it.
      - Proverb, (Italian)

No one says his own buttermilk is sour.
      - Proverb, (Afghan)

No one sees his own faults.
      - Proverb, (German)

No one should take in an eating pawn (or pledge).
      - Proverb, (Italian)

No one so hard upon the poor as the pauper who has got into power.
      - Proverb, (Danish)

No one so sure but he may miss.
      - Proverb, (Dutch)

No one takes away anything with him.
      - Proverb, (Maltese)

No one tests the depth of the river with both feet.
      - Proverb, (Ghanaian)

No one will get a bargain he does not ask for.
      - Proverb, (French)

No one with a good catch of fish goes home by the back alley.
      - Proverb

No one would be an innkeeper but for money.
      - Proverb, (Spanish)

No pain, no gain.
      - Proverb

No pains, no gains.
      - Proverb, (German)

No pear falls into a shut mouth.
      - Proverb, (Italian)

No penny, no paternoster.
      - Proverb, (German)

No pride like that of an enriched beggar.
      - Proverb

No protection is so sure as that of innocence.
      - Proverb, (Latin)

No purchase like a gift.
      - Proverb, (French)

No receiver, no thief.
      - Proverb

No relation is poor.
      - Proverb, (Spanish)

No remedy but patience.
      - Proverb --
No one is hurt by doing the right thing!

Yours True Liars,

SoundaryaNayaki സൌണ്ടാര്യനായകി சௌந்தர்யநாயகி
Anna Justin അണ്ണാ ജസ്റിന്‍  அன்னா ஜஸ்டின்    

We are the perfect liars.
Do not try to find any truth in our words!


OOPS, You may be looking for more lies.
Read this document to become a perfect liar:



With malice toward none;
With charity for all;
With firmness toward right,
Shine with justice and truth!
Bloom forever, O beloved fellow men and woman,
From the dust of my bosom!


Why Math has been hated by some? Because it requires them to think and forces them to give the correct and exact value. Because it has a clear distinction of right and wrong. Most people love to speak about any issue but hate to accept that they're wrong. That's the beauty of Math. Right is right and wrong is wrong.

No one is poor but he who thinks himself so.

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