Friday, August 28, 2009

Art of Teaching

Art of Teaching

The art of teaching is nothing but the art of cheating because both the words 'teaching' and 'cheating' have the same letters in a different order. The art of teaching essentially involves invariably all the techniques involved in the art of cheating. No one wants to be cheated. In a similar manner, no one wants to be taught. Yet, both cheating and teaching endlessly goes on in the society of men and women and their products. No parent want to teach the art of cheating. So the parents select a perfect cheat code named as 'teacher' to teach the art of cheating.

How to teach

There are varieties of ways to teach. One can sit under the tree and tell good old stories and finally as what is the morale of the story. But, it is not teaching, but story telling. One can go to the room called classroom, with or without dress, and as the first question - who am I? The puzzled poor kids will try to think that you are the one escaped from zoo. Else one can ask - what is science? Keep asking the same question till students learn what is science. Else one can ask - what is biotechnolog? Keep asking the same question until the students learn what is biotechnology. Else one can ask - What is bioinformatics? Repeat the same question and students learn to ask back what is bioinformatics. Make sure that none your student learns what is biotechnology or bioinformatics.

There is another way of teaching. Go to class. Keep silence as if you read the faces of the students. Take all your students to zoo. Ask the names of the animals. It will develop the memory of the students. Build a jail. But all the students in that. Take a test tube. Put cow dung and horse manure into that small test tube. Ask your students - can you repeat what I did. This is called as practial teaching.

Teaching AIDS

  • Packs of Condoms
  • Packs of Cigars
  • 100 Guns
  • 10000000000 Guniea Pigs
  • 2 Rats
  • Weed Grass

What can be taught?

  • How to fuck
  • How to suck
  • How to beg
  • How to cheat
  • How to kill
  • How not to use intelligence
  • How not to ask questions
  • How not to answer questions
  • How to tell lies
  • How to be a Fast Ejaculator
  • How to Kiss the Ass
  • How to kill one's innate abilities
  • How not to think
  • How to judge
  • How to justify
  • How to deliver justice

What can't be taught?

  • Morality
  • Truth
  • The Fundamental Properties of Nature
  • Synthetic and analytical philosophy
  • How to live a peaceful life

Benefits of Teaching

Capitalism needs both producers and consumers, intelligents and idiots, criminals and judges. Teaching helps to produce both produces and consumers, intelligents and idiots, criminals and judges.

Evils of Teaching

The communists and the free thinkers are the unavoidalbe bye-products of teaching.

Economy of Teaching

The intellects are the parasites on the poorman's blood. It is no wonder teaching makes the poor as the poorest and the rich as the richest!

Yours True Liars,

SoundaryaNayaki സൌണ്ടാര്യനായകി சௌந்தர்யநாயகி
Sivashanmugam   സിവശന്മുഗം சிவஷண்முகம்


God finally told, "none of my creations or their derivatives can get rid of divisibility, comparability, connectivity, disturbability, reorderability, substitutability and satisfiability." Men and woman born under heaven with my wisdom are to experience and reveal these indestructible properties of mine through everyone and everything. My sons who realize my indestructible wisdom through these properties prosper in my kingdom. My sons who attempt to destroy my indestructible properties destroy their prosperity and acquire insanity.


Divisibility is the property without which one can neither be a part nor be a whole. Comparability is the property without which one can neither be an equivalence nor be a difference. Connectivity is the property without which one can neither be a link nor be a limit. Disturbability is the property without which one can neither be a influence nor be a senseation. Reorderability is the property without which one can neither be an origin nor be a derivative. (origin - what is reordered, derivative - the outcome of reordering). Substitutability is the property without which one can neither be a substitute nor be misfit. Satisfiablity is the property without which one can neither be a requirement nor be a fulfillment.


Whoops! Maybe you were looking for Lies?


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Set all books on fire because no knowledge in them can be repeated and no knowledge in them should be repeated. Do not listen to your teachers or pastors, or mom and dad because none of their knowledge can be repeated and none of their knowledge should be repeated. But, do not forget to buy our books because we need your money. Do not forget to send your children to our schools and colleges, because we need your money. Listen to us, because we want you and your children to be our employees, slaves.

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