Friday, August 14, 2009

Breakdown of Thought

Breakdown of Thought:
While logic is preferable to emotion (and preferable to stupidity) problems can arise when logic is impeded by a strictly illogical thinker. It may seem entirely logical for a person to write a spoof article for the ludicrous online publication known as, "Uncyclopedia". However, in view of the fact that this Internet site is strictly a hoax perpetuated by individuals who have nothing better to do than engage in fantasy-type expression, the idea of such activity being logical is absolutely asinine – as is the idea that propane-grilled burgers taste better than charcoaled meats

Social problems occur with the breakdown of thought, when logic becomes the absurd and order turns to chaos. Such infractions of physical law also result when people are completely devoid of logic. Unfortunately, those individuals wreak havoc on the social structure by their own delusions of logic, and almost invariably viewing themselves as not only quite intelligent, but of superior intellect. Thus, the abnormal becomes normal and insanity invades society. Within the last twenty-five years, the United States has experienced an explosion of blatant stupidity, whereby all half-witted (or no-witted) people overpopulated the country through mass-producing approximately 5.9 offspring per female, while the intelligent persons procreated merely 1.2 offspring per couple. That trend has continued over the last quarter century, with offspring producing like numbers per category. By the year 2050, Sociologists have predicted the US will experience the Dark Ages. The general population will be of one mind, blindly following a self-appointed leader in the practices of paranoia and superstition. The remaining minority of intellectuals will either be forced to denounce their own logic or be burned at the stake.

Yours True Liar,

SoundaryaNayaki சௌந்தர்யநாயகி

God finally told, "none of my creations can get rid of divisibility, comparability, connectivity, disturbability, reorderability, substituablity and satisfiability." Men and woman born under heaven with my wisdom are to experience and reveal these indestructible properties of mine through everyone and everything. My sons who realize my indestructible wisdom through these properties prosper in my kingdom. My sons who attempt to destroy my indestructible properties destroy their prosperity and acquire insanity.
---------------------------------------------------The Pirated Bible-----

Whoops! Maybe you were looking for Lies?

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